

Class of 2013

马来西亚伍伦贡伯乐槟城大学学院,乔治市(George Town)

Ian's experience in KDU had been impactful for his career. He had been very grateful for his lecturers, who showed them the real world and opened up a world of possibilities for them. "I've always had a soft spot for Advertising courses during my time there. And the lecturers I've been lucky to be taught by (who are veterans in the industry) have helped mature the calling to dive head first into this industry. Never once have I regretted this decision."

When thinking back of his lecturers in School of Communication and Creative Arts, he is still very fond of them. The lecturer team were very strong advocates of doing what makes you happy. Preaching that one should find happiness in what you do on a daily basis, that joy in waking up every day and going at the daily grind happily and willingly was very influential to a young hot blooded teen looking for a purpose in life. That said, if Ian was not given the chance to cross path with such influential and people, he doubt he'll be in the Advertising industry with such charisma and passion that he have to this very day.